As a die hard Jamie Oliver fan I have made this dish at least two dozen times. And for the longest time I made it exactly how he instructed believing it's perfection didn't need any adjustments whatsoever. And then one cold night I didn't have some ingredients and with a screaming toddler I just didn't have it in me to go to the store. So I improvised and what resulted was a version that I somehow preferred. I felt like I had betrayed Jamie and returned to the original recipe the following month. My family noticed the difference and so I conceded and went back to my version. But let me be clear, Jamie Oliver's fish pie is the bomb. But mine is pretty amazing and I hope you give it a go.
2.5 pounds Yukon or Russet potatoes, peeled
1-2 carrot
2-3 sticks celery
1 onion (yellow)
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese grate
1 lemon
1 tsp chili flakes (optional)
1/2 cup flat leaf parsley
1 pound cod, haddock, monk or halibut fish
1/2 shrimp (shells off and cleaned)
1/2 cup heavy cream
2-3 ripe tomatoes
Olive Oil
Preheat oven to 400°F
1. Cut potatoes into 1 inch cubes and cook them in salted boiling until tender.
2. Peel and slice the carrot and celery and place in a bowl. Mince onion and roughly chop tomatoes, add both to bowl.
3. Finely chop parsley (stalks too) and set aside.
4. Cut fish and shrimp into bite-size pieces and set aside. Squeeze over the lemon juice and pour over fish and shrimp then drizzle lightly with olive oil and add sea salt and black pepper.
5. Combine fish, shrimp, cream, parsley and veggies. Mix very well.
6. Drain the potatoes and steam dry them in cooking pan. Drizzle with a some olive oil (about 2 tablespoons), add a pinch of salt and pepper and mash the potatoes until smooth. Adjust seasoning if necessary.
7. Pour fish mix into a baking dish that is at least 4 inches deep and sprinkle grated cheese on top.

8. Spread or pipe the mashed potatoes leaving some exposed mixture.
9. Bake in oven for 40 minutes or so, until cooked through, bubbling and mashed potatoes are golden.
Serve warm